First half:
of us gathered in the morning with dropping eyelids as some of us couldn’t
sleep the last night, and some of us slept for only few hours. The best thing
was besides the heavy work burden and lack of sleep everybody completed their
share of work and reached in class on time.
all were reading the blogs of each other when Sir arrived. He pointed out few
good things and short comings of the blog for some of us
and asked to improve it.
particularly talked about Mainak’s blog for a long time. How his blog lacks
clarity of identity of a person, and thus information. What I felt about
Mainak’s blog is most of the content of his blog appears to be hidden message
or incomplete information of particular events of the past days. May be that
could be the reason for sir to question him also.
was asked by Tanmay sir to collect a good amount of bricks around the campus
which can reach up to his height and make a tower with those in the duck
island. While he does that he was also asked not to talk to anyone in the
campus and not to have eye contact with anyone in the campus.
was asked to do almost the same leaving the making of the tower part. As she raised
a question in the class which was “why our eyes cannot magnify even though it
has a variable focal length?” so sir suggested that she also roams around the
campus and try to find the answer to the question on her own. She agreed to do
so and both Mainak and Sreecheta left the class.
of us including Sir gathered in the class to decide what are we gonna do today.
Tanmay sir suggested as we now know how to make a pin hole camera we should try
our hands on how we use the pin hole camera more sufficiently. So he came up
with an idea which was completely new to me. I have never thought about it
before neither have I tried something like that before. We all went to the MPP
department with each of our cameras and black sheet of paper. Then Tanmay sir
demonstrated and we followed. He cut a circle out of that black sheet of paper
which has a diameter greater than the circle of the camera where the lens is
fitted. Then he by folding the circle in four folds he got the circle of the
centre of the circle of the black paper. Then he made a hole in the centre with
a pin. He opened the Lens of the camera, kept it aside and pasted that circle
with hole on the circle where the lens was fitted with a tape. We all followed
the same steps carefully for the next ten-fifteen minutes.
that we all went around the campus, each of us with our own new self made
camera. So basically the camera body remains with the sensor, we just
removed the lens and put a pin hole paper made aperture in front of it.
seemed excited about this new exercise and we all went around the campus trying
to capture good pictures with it. As I look around, my classmates
are trying to
click every possible things they can around them.
Buildings, Flowers, people,
their friends, and sometimes each other.
While we all are busy clicking pictures I see Mainak sincerely roaming around
and collecting bricks for the tower of his height in the duck island. He looked
very calm and composed to me at that moment. May be the message what Sir was
trying to put across got to him without saying it but by doing the task itself.
would share Some of the pictures that I clicked with the new self made aperture
of the camera.
bigger pin hole-
1/8, F0, Hi1
1/30, F0, 1600
1/13, F0, 400

1/80, F0, Hi1(above 1600)
smaller pin hole-
1/4, F0, 400
1/10, F0,1600
1/30, F0, 1600
1/20, F0, 1600
1/6, F0, 1600
1/13, F0, 1600
1/13, F0, 1600
1/13, F0, 1600
1/13, F0, 1600
1/20, F0, 1600
1/20, 1600
1/8, F0, 1600
1/13, F0, 1600
1/60, F0, 1600
1/20,F0, 1600
1/20, F0, 1600
1/15, F0, 1600 - clicked by Tanmay Sir
Observation: bigger your pin hole, less sharper your picture, smaller the pin hole sharper the image.
We all gathered in the lawn after lunch. Tanmay sir demonstrated 'how to make a tanmooka'. By this time Mainak has returned and joined us in the lawn. I
didn't see Sreecheta around.
It’s similar to making of pin hole camera but instead of the hole we are keeping a much bigger opening and we are using a lens(convex) that is a Magnifying glass to project an image on the sensor. On the other end of the tube.
Experiment 1:
When the object is at infinity, the lens is closer to the screen.
Shutter speed- 1/20 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 800,
When the object is near to the camera, the lens is away from the screen.
Shutter speed- 1/30 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 800,
Experiment 2:
If a stop is created in the same Tanmooka, how would it vary the foreground and background?or
If the Diameter varies, how it affects the image foreground and background?
This experiment kind of make us understand how a dolly zoom works.
Shutter speed- 1/50 F stop- 7.1, ISO- 800, magnification – 95 mm.
Shutter speed- 1/6 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 800, magnification: 65 mm
Experiment 3:
What happens if you move the tanmooka closer to the subject and try to keep the subject in focus – The foreground changes rapidly and the background gradually – this is basically what happens in a dolly zoom.
Move closer to the subject with the camera, foreground changes rapidly, background change gradually.
Shutter speed- 1/10 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 1600, image at a long distance.
Shutter speed- 1/10 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 1600, image of middle distance.
Shutter speed- 1/10 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 1600, image at the closest distance