Saturday 31 January 2015

Digging Deep

Day-3/ 1st half:

Today I entered the class at 9:40 am. All of us reached on time today. One fellow among all of us didn’t/ couldn’t do the assignment of writing the blog. Assuming he couldn’t do it before coming to class, he didn’t make an attempt to complete it even after reaching the class was surprising. He reached there between 9:45 to 10 am. Sir arrived around 10:30am. In that half an hour I didn’t see him making any effort to finish the assignment. On the contrary I or we (the class) also didn’t make him understand the importance of finishing the assignment on time even after knowing the basic rules. Also many of us have not read the blogs posted by other classmates before coming to the class which was again a part of the rules. In that half an hour we could have read the blogs instead of just waiting for sir to arrive. We realised about it when we discussed this about sir the next day. While the incident didn’t get over there only. The whole matter of not doing the assignment on time and being questioned on that by sir got to a different level.

Part-1: Truth and dare

He took it in a different way. His point was that he couldn’t do it because he had other works regarding the dialogue shoot. Also what all of us felt and as he himself mentioned before the class begun that he didn’t do it in because he just doesn’t want to follow the instructions given by sir just like a school kid back in the school days. The matter got heated when he kept defending his point for not doing the assignment with sir. In that course two other people joined him in support or to put across their differences. Those two of them were Sreecheta and Mainak. Among the list of Sreecheta’s grievances first one was she was looking forward to the class today because she couldn’t get one of the points  discussed day before which was “why the human eye is not able to magnify when it has a variable focal length?’. The point she wanted to put across is that everyday we are wasting time on either someone being late for the class and class getting dismissed which happened on the first day because of me being late, then the second day the class again didn’t get start because one of the person i.e Jubraj who didn’t finish the assignment, and the other Hari, who had done it but not on blog as everyone is supposed to do instead he did it on PPT. So she felt that instead of concentrating on class and the learning part we are wasting time on silly matters. But as we all have been briefed on the first day that there would be no class without these ground rules being followed by each and everyone of the group. Then came the argument was ‘ we are all grown up so whenever one makes a choice of not coming to class, or not doing the assignment, or whatever is there decision, why should it be compulsion and why others have to suffer for that! But the agenda which Sir was trying to put across from the beginning that ‘we function as a TEAM or an organism which moves together as a unit’.
Mainak also had a similar  argument that how much time are we gonna waste on making others undertand and follow the rules everyday. He came up with a new term “ANARCHY”
during the argument with sir which I personally feel is not applicable in this situation as anarchy is completely opposite of  the situation we are in.

PART-2: Raising the Hand

There came a point when Tanmay raised his hand. No this is not that “raising hand” it’s a simple gesture where he puts his hand up in the air and the opponent has to stop talking. This again was pointed out by JJ, Mainak and sreecheta that it’s againt the freedom of expression and a free will of an individual.  Tanmay’s point is that we got to respect him if we expect respect from him so whenever the water crosses the level, he will raise his hand.

PART-3 : The Realisation

Later in the second half JJ didn’t arrive in the class. We waited for him sometime then atrted discussing the problems goin on with Sir. Hari broke the news that he will be leaving the next day for Chennai for his house warming event. Which again breaks the rule of moving forward as a unit. So everyone tried to make him understand that it would be good if he stays back because we all felt he will be missing on the workshop and even when he comes back after some days it will be hard for him to catch up with us and it will difficult for him as well as us to operate with him during the shoot when he would have already been missed out on many things. By the end of the day Hari remains stick with his decision which he leaves for Chennai the next day. So the whole class came to a consensus that he can come back and join us as an observer during the shoot. Good news was JJ came back in the end and realised his mistake. Sreecheta also somehow realised the point which Tanmay was trying to put acroos and yes her question was being answered too.

Today we experimented with the pin hole camera during the day time and in a dark room with bulb as a source of light.


1) How the pin hole camera functions?

-A pinhole camera is a simple camera without a lens and with a single small aperture. We made a cylindrical shaped pin hole camera. It has  a small hole in one end of the cylinder. Light from a scene passes through this single point and projects an inverted image on the opposite end of the cylinder.
single pin hole camera
1/50, F2.8, ISO 1600

inverted image of the filament
1/20, F5.6, ISO 1000

200 watts bulb as a source of light in a dark room.
1/20, F22, ISO1600

2) What if we change the reading distance of the view finder and the sensor of the pinhole camera? 
if we increase the reading distance then the image becomes sharper and if we go close to the sensor or decrease the reading then the image becomes blurred.
3) What if we remove the view finder?
  -if we remove the view finder the image becomes less brighter because of the presence   of ambient light which was first blocked by the view finder.
                                    1/80,F5.6, ISO2000

4) Why could we only see the Sun during day time and only the bulb(dark room) in the night time through the pin hole camera?

-That’s because the sun and the bulb is the brightest source of light in their respective surrounding and also it depends on the sensitivity of our eye. Our eyes are sensitive to the intensity of light that the sun and the bulb has.

     Image of the bulb filament through the pin hole camera.
     1/30, F5.6, ISO1600

    image of Filament is only formed on the sensor not the person standing behind.
    F5.6, 1/20, ISO 1OOO 

5)Why the image on the sensor moves in the same direction with the movement of the  Pin hole camera?
- the image is laterally inverted.

6) Image formation with two Pin holes.
F5.6, 1/20, ISO 1600

                                                               F5.6, 1/13, ISO 800

 7) What if we make the hole bigger in the pin hole camera?
    -Increasing the aperture+ decreasing the focal length =more brighter and  less       sharper image.

                                F4.5, 1/60, ISO 6400

    8) What happens when you make multiple holes?

    Multiple holes in the pin hole camera
    1/30, F5.6, ISO800

     Multiple images are formed depending on the number of holes you make.                      These images are blurry and overlap each other.

    1/30, F5.6, ISO800
9) how does the diameter of the sensor of the tube effects the image?
                                           F4.5, 1/60, 1600 - Bigger diameter

                                          F4.5, 1/60, 1600- smaller diameter
-So bigger the diameter, larger the image and smaller the sensor smaller the image or the image gets cropped out also if you keep the distance same with respect to the other tube with the bigger diameter. 
Note- Both the tubes have similar distance between the hole and the sensor i.e same focal length.

10 Macro lens:

without macro lens-f3.5, 1/30, ISO 3200
macro lens (magnifying glass) -f3.5, 1/30, ISO 3200
                                          1/30, F8, ISO-100, 
Image of a single pin hole camera clicked on Nikon D3000 with a magnifying glass in front of it.

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