Sunday 1 February 2015

Digging Deep - 'Search within'

DAY -4

1st half:

Today everybody excluding one person reached on time but as it was Sunday the CRT was closed. So few of us tried getting it open. By the time we got it open we waited in the lawn for sir to arrive. We arrived at 10:10 am outside the CRT. Tanmay sir pointed out that we are late by ten minutes but we argued that we were on time and were waiting for him to arrive. Later he made us realised that though we arrived on time yet we are clueless about what to do in those ten minutes, waiting for a leader to lead us. Whereas we all are planning to become a leader among our crew members. We didn’t write the blog properly and some of us sent it just before coming to the class. 

He did a march-past session with us through which he tried to make us realise that we still lack leadership qualities as neither could we guide as a leader nor could we follow the simple instructions given by a leader during the march-past. We need to develop the skills of working as a team before becoming the leader of a team.

Then came the confusion whether or not we are going to have a class since one of the fellow classmate would not be able to make to the class on time. She conveyed the message by sending an email to all of us including Sir that she would be able to come only around or after 12pm. As she already has made an appointment with someone before coming to know about the class happening on Sunday. This whole issue again turned into a blame game.

She thinks we should have informed her on Friday or Saturday itself before she made a plan. What i felt is it’s her responsibility too to ask anyone of us before making any other commitments when at the first place it was never decided that there won’t be any class on Sunday.

The consensus of the whole class was taken whether or not she should be allowed for the class or for the further workshop after arriving late to the class. The class excluding two people Ashok and Jubraj agreed that she should not. Ashok and Jubraj decided to forgive and  give her one more chance.

The decision was taken so by others  because they wanted to make her realize the importance of presence of every team mate and to overcome the individualistic approach to a crisis and to put away the blame game.

2nd half:

Terms and their definition according to my understanding;

  •    Metadata-  metadata in a camera is the technical information about a particular picture taken.for example the ISO, F-stop,Shutter speed, white balance, Lens/ focal length

  •      Modes- it is the type of modes you can set before clicking a picture such as putting the Focus on manual or auto. The video or shoot mode, one shot, etc.

  •     ISO-  it is the sensitivity of the camera, also the light intensity of the picture depends on it.

  •      F-Stop- The ratio between the focal length and the diameter of the pupil.

  •    Aperture- it is the measurement to allow the amount of light through the opening of the camera. It  affects the brightness of the picture, and the exposure of light.

  •      Shutter speed- it is the amount of time you set for the camera to enter light through the opening. The SS is measured in seconds.

  •      Exposure meter- it gives the idea of how much a picture is exposed. If it is more to the right side of the zero on the scale then it is over exposed and if it is more to the left side of the zero it is under exposed.

  •     White balance- it is setting of the quality of white colour on any subject according to changing the intensity of light under different lighting  conditions.

  •     Colour Temperature- through which one can decide the temperature of a colour, as colours can be warm and cool. For example-Red is warm and blue is cool colour.

  •     Picture size- it is setting up of pixel size of the image.

  •    Frame rate- it is the frames per second(FPS). It is the no of frames in a second while shooting.

  •      Aspect Ratio- the ratio of width and height of the image.

Other terms which I am  yet not  able to understand and define:

  •      File Format
  •      Histogram   
  •      Image quality
  •      Lighting optimiser
  •      Codec
  •      Picture style


  1. There was no confusion on whether the class was happening or not - were we ready enough to do the class - were we cleared of our backlogs already to be doing the class is the question. The definitions as even in my case are pretty insufficient - btw what does intensity of picture mean? I haven't heard of this term.

  2. Yes, there was a mistake in that definition of ISO. I meant light intensity of picture.I have updated it just now and yes as i said i have wrote the definitions according to my understanding so they are not the perfect definition. :/
