Tuesday 3 February 2015

Digging Deep- 'God lies in details'

#DAY 6

Everybody assembled in the internet room. We all were busy with our blogs. Some with half of the blog still to be written, some with their last minute touch ups. Due to the server down everybody was in apanicking mode. It was already ten past and yet many of us couldn’t finish the blog. So the whole ambience of the internet room was ‘what the the fuck is wrong with the internet?’ also the number of working systems are lesser than the people. Even though few of us had their own laptops, net was a problem there too. Only two or three systems had a proper net connection.

But it was quite different from the alike situations faced before this workshop happened by the same group(direction folks) of people. This time each one of us gives a damn about the other person be it anyone among the group. Everybody was concerned about each others work and there was certain level of understanding among those panicking bunch of people to get the work done.

It’s not because of the assignment given or the rules set for us. It was because everybody had been shown the mirror to them, what they have been doing so far. Everybody on board now have a realization where they were wrong in the past and now they are willing to change.

The change is not and should not be forcible. Only then it can sustain even after the workshop ends. This is just one of the small incidents of everyday workshop which has made me feel that we all can change for the betterment of us if we really want to.
We headed to the classroom around eleven with Tanmay Sir.We watched the video that Jubraj had edited for the the previous day, you can check that out on this link-
The message that he tried to convey through his video is how two people that is Sreecheta and Mainak were isolated from the rest of the group of eight people. But as Sir pointed out and I also felt, that the isolation couldn’t come out that well and hence the story mislead. To me it was both of these people were roaming or doing whatever out of their own willingness. I didn’t get to see on the video what actually had been happening. By which I mean as an audience who is unaware of their situation or the current situation of direction group would not understand what actually is going around. He has to go through a long back story before understanding the actions in the video. After that too the video fails to make you see what the characters are actually going through. One thing that I didn’t like was Jubraj as a cameraman and as a an editor had tried to manipulate the story in his own way. As a cameraman he has cut the actions of both the characters before they finished a particular action which sends out a completely different story and feeling which is away from the reality.as an editor also he tried out few chip tricks which were neither looking good nor were they making sense to me.
Tanmay sir pointed out his mistakes in all these perspectives. He said few points which I would also try keep in mind as a filmmaker.


  •   Establish your characters of the story-The audience should be clear enough whose story are you narrating.

  •  Have patience-Let the action take place on its own flow before you hit the stop button on the camera.

  • Don’t manipulate the reality knowingly or unknowingly-While shooting you should just shoot what’s happening not what you want to show the audience.


 Avoid chip tricks in editing-

  • Try to put the reality forward by simple editing. the way you see the reality with naked eyes, you should be able to make the audience see your story with their naked eyes not with the help of chip tricks.
  • Throw out the unwanted or bad shots ruthlessly.

  • Every idea/sequence should have a beginning, middle and end before jumping to the next sequence without revealing the end of the entire story.

  •         It should hold the audience till end.


As only three people among us,Jubraj, Soumee, Hemale, hadvideo mode in their camera so they were asked to take shots of what’s Mainak been doing keeping in mind the previous instructions given on Jubraj’s video. Rest of us were asked take picture on our respective cameras in wide, tele and normal lens of the same. Later we arranged four P2 cameras and assembled them in the direction dept. lawn. We went through it’smanual and practised on it for some time. One of my doubt got cleared too.

  •    If the three legs of the tripod are unequal and if you balance the spirit balance, does it make your frame balanced?
  •         Yes it does. Through the experiment that I carried out I came to know that even though your tripod legs are not equal the spirit balance makes your frame equal. That is how you are able to shoot in unequal surfaces such as in hilly areas. 

Later we watched a movie called ‘Holiday’ by 'Jacques Tati'. The movie got over around 8pm. After that we had a short discussion with sir about the blogs we wrote. He gave us the idea of adding hyperlinks to your blog so that your information can be spread clearly and widely to the greater audience.
   Lastly, I would say about the film ‘Holiday’it was a very entertaining movie to begin with. I liked the fact how the filmmaker has used small-small nuances of everyday life which we all face but to put them accurately on the screen that too in such a manner that it brings joy to the eyes of the watcher. Through the movie every such mannerism that the protagonist was portraying made me feel yeah unknowingly i also do some of these things or i have see someone doing so. But if someone ask me to put these things on screen would i be able to do so  that too so beautifully.

    The film made me realize the importance of many aspects which we often overview such as Art direction, set designing, and proper shot designing. For me ‘Holiday’ is a beautiful example which uses theses three things so accurately that it made the film magnificent. Had these three things been not there the film would not have existed. You don’t always need a out of box idea and a huge budget to make a great film. A great film can be made out of daily things that one faces or see. The compilation of these three things alone can make a simple idea look magnificent on screen.

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