Sunday 8 February 2015

Digging Deep- Ashok's Shoot

Day 11

Ashok was directing yesterday.His crew members were :Himel as cameraman, Soumnee producton, Kirti and Jubraj were the actors and I was doing the sound. Ashok from the beginning was very calm and composed. As I have been with him a day before his shoot, he looked pretty confident about his shoot. He was shooting on Sunday. The Art, makeup, costumes, props everything was closed. So Ashok with the help of others had already arranged for the props a day before that is on the day of my shoot. Everybody assembled at the floor at 10am for setting up. At 11am we started rolling. His firt shot was an interior one. By the time Tanmay sir arrived on the set he already had finished four to five shots. That is five shots in one and half hour is a good number.
By the time Sir arrived we were taking a shot where Jubraj is sitting on the floor, pouring the drink in his glass angrily shouting at Kirti at the same time. It was a close up of his hands and the glass and some part of him was visible too as he was sitting on the couch. Sir advised to go extreme close up of the hands and the pouring of drink in the glass. The action of how he was pouring the drink can signify itself that the character is pretty angry about something or on someone.
In the kitchen he had a shot where Both the characters Kirti and Jubraj are shouting at each other, basically a fight among the husband and the wife. where Jubraj enters the kitchen scolding her, Kirti after a point looses her temper and throws the Plate of green peas on the floor, shouting at him l;eaves the Kitchen. in this shot character placement was a problem. they both were so engrossed in the action, it was difficult for them to maintain the positions in front of the camera. the major problem was while doing the action either one of them was blocking each other. When we tried positioning them with the actions, they started forgetting the dialogues as it became rehearsed again and again. Their actions lost the spontaneity. So from fixing the positioning to acting to dialogues everything went for a toss. then sir intervened and Made Kirti and Jubraj practice the dialogues properly like a child practices his nursery poems and then made them rehearse with actions. One thing I learned that over rehearsing can make the actors loose the actual feelings of your characters. It looks staged and when one goes through this kind of situation where the actors are struggling to give you the performance you demand, it's better to drop the shot at that moment and take it later with a fresh mind.
We finally took the shot and it came out to be much better.the actors also improvised the dialogues, and their actions according to their suitability at the same time delivered something which made the director happy.
we wraped up around 5pm that is much before the given time limit. the reason behind this could be Ashok took maximum number of his shots as wide shots. Also i feel as a director he did a pretty good job.

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