Wednesday 18 February 2015

The Red Cake

She gave the child a piece of her cake with a cherry on the top. He said he doesn't like cake. He threw it away somewhere. She kept searching the piece of cake.  She thought she lost the piece of cake and she didn't try harder.

Anyway she found it one day. It was covered with dust. It was smelling bad. She knew, it was her cake. The cherry is half eaten but it's still red. She likes red. She picked it up from the dust. She put it back in her pocket. She bakes a new cake. She puts more cherries on top. It's more red now. She likes it more.

She met the child again and offers him the new cake. The child is excited to see the 'Red cake'. This time he wants to have it. She takes out the old, dusty, smelly,piece of cake and puts it on his hand. He looks at it in awe and then he sniffs the cake. It smells really bad. He then looks at the fresh baked Red cake. This time she puts a larger chunk of the Red cake in his hand and she smiles at him. The boy sniffs the Red cake and with a great smile on his face he leans forward to say thank you but she is gone.  He Looks back. She is already walking down the alley. She doesn't look back. 

Saturday 14 February 2015

Digging Deep ' Some more Lighting'

Day 15

Kirti was dircting today and Soumee was the cameraman. Jubraj was doing the sound. We all were functioning in an organised mannerism. the first shot was taken at 11:30am after setting up the lights. today Hindol was handling the lighting mostly. Me and Ashok were acting. We were playing a married couple. the scene which Kirti set up was the couple having breakfast on the dinner table as the wife discusses about their son. For making it look like morning time.

I saw Hindol putting up the 1K in front of the window through which the light enters the room. So the 1k was behaving as the morning sun. Later as Hindol explained to me on asking about the lighting, that as we couldn't use the schemer due to some reason so he tried to bounce the light from the walls of the living room and also used the thermocol reflectors.

Jubraj was doing the sound today. Himel was the camera assistant for Soumee. For the track shot he was pulling and pushing the trolley. Everything was running in a professional mode. I could see Kirti keeping in mind the actor handling part. She treated me and Ashok just as any other professional actors, asking about water, coffee cigarettes :) after delivering every shot she would appreciate and give a feedback too. These things are very crucial to be put as a practicing habit in us while handling actors. Most of the times we never take these things into consideration but tomorrow when we have to work with professional actors it would be difficult for us to handle them. So I was happy that we all were trying to execute ourselves in a professional way. 

By 5:15pm we recorded few wild takes. I also had to take few for my exercise. In the end the last unofficial day of the shoot ended with a 'Pack up':D

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Digging Deep- 'the Growth'

Day 14

It was Jubraj's shoot today.  We started at around 11:30 am. everybody by that time had arranged the props. Tanmay sir himself and Kirti was the actor today. We set up  and when the shot was ready  he was called. Today most of the shots were taken on studio lihghts that is baby, Dinki,2K, 1K. Only in the last shot we used one practical light that is the lamp light.

In one shot Kirti and Tanmay sir was supposed to be intimate as they are husband and wife. The director wanted to show the Parting love. but somehow Kirti was not able to give what Jubraj was looking for. So she was advised by sir to go back to her memories and recollect what was the best moment in her life. She took a some time. But when she delivered the shot it was far better than what she was doing. Last shot was taken by sir where we used a cutter.

Jubraj was much more calm and focused today. I have never seen him like this before. He was not at all panicking. Sir was also dealing with Actor handling in which Jubraj required to learn. Not just actors even the crew members. How a director should communicate with his crew members creates a huge impact on the output. If the crew members are happy, they will give their hundred percent and so your output product will be what you wanted to achieve. I think theses aspects we all need to learn but for Jubraj this was especially required. otherwise the shoot went smoothly. As the workshop days are coming to an end we are growing on both technical ground and most importantly personal ground.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Digging Deep- 'Big Lights'

Day  13

We started at 10:30 am. We started with finishing few shots that were left from Soumee’s shoot.  While I was taking the second shot, Sir asked me to find the sweet spot for taking that shot. I chose a place where my camera is little lower than the character. The character drinks the water from the bottle and keeps it on the table while sitting on the sofa behind the table. But the spot that I chose was going  out of the energy point between the character sitting on the table and the character to whom she is conversing. So it’s better to place your camera in a zone where  the the energy flows between the characters. 
The placement of camera plays an important role in conveying the point of view of the director. If you place the camera at a distant from the character it shows you are more into observing the character and if it is place near or very near to the character then it shows that you are more into whats going inside the mind or what feelings your character is going through. The camera becomes the best buddy of the character.

I enjoyed the job of a cinematographer thoroughly. It’s a huge task to be able to visualize someone else projection through script or dialogues. After you succeed in visualizing, it’s again a responsibility to be able to present it to the director while taking the shots.


We went through various types of light that were present on the floor. Also we learnt the techniques of mounting them on the stands, knowing the functions of the knob etc. The lights that we saw were 5K, 2K, Baby, and also the use of the cutters.

By the time we came back and set the shots for Jubraj, it was already 5p.m. So we decided to come back and take the shot tomorrow.

Monday 9 February 2015

Digging Deep- "taking the Shots"

Day 12

It was Soumee’s shoot yesterday. I was doing the camera.  Ashok was doing the sound. Kirti and Jubraj were acting. Hindol and Himel were  helping with the setting up and producton. We started rolling around 11am.  Soumee was very clear about not using tube light in the interior shots. She put up Table lamps, and bulbs in the room instead. It  gave a warm feel to the whole room. It was nice that we changed the lights today or to say we took an effort to use practical lights in the room as sir advised before. As a camerawoman, I was very exited to shoot with different kind of practical lights. Till now none of us used that many kind of practical lights.

We strated rolling by 11:15 am.  As a camerawoman I felt I had the liberty to take shots the way I felt was right. Soumee also expressed what what is looking for in the shot. To me that sense of trust between the cameraman and the director was there.

Later sir arrived and introduced us to two Lights. Dinki and Baby which are tungsten lights and Keno which can be day balanced and night balanced also. Since we started with these lights so we decided to continue with them today also in the same set up and will take the shots for which the lights had been set up.

Sunday 8 February 2015

Digging Deep- Ashok's Shoot

Day 11

Ashok was directing yesterday.His crew members were :Himel as cameraman, Soumnee producton, Kirti and Jubraj were the actors and I was doing the sound. Ashok from the beginning was very calm and composed. As I have been with him a day before his shoot, he looked pretty confident about his shoot. He was shooting on Sunday. The Art, makeup, costumes, props everything was closed. So Ashok with the help of others had already arranged for the props a day before that is on the day of my shoot. Everybody assembled at the floor at 10am for setting up. At 11am we started rolling. His firt shot was an interior one. By the time Tanmay sir arrived on the set he already had finished four to five shots. That is five shots in one and half hour is a good number.
By the time Sir arrived we were taking a shot where Jubraj is sitting on the floor, pouring the drink in his glass angrily shouting at Kirti at the same time. It was a close up of his hands and the glass and some part of him was visible too as he was sitting on the couch. Sir advised to go extreme close up of the hands and the pouring of drink in the glass. The action of how he was pouring the drink can signify itself that the character is pretty angry about something or on someone.
In the kitchen he had a shot where Both the characters Kirti and Jubraj are shouting at each other, basically a fight among the husband and the wife. where Jubraj enters the kitchen scolding her, Kirti after a point looses her temper and throws the Plate of green peas on the floor, shouting at him l;eaves the Kitchen. in this shot character placement was a problem. they both were so engrossed in the action, it was difficult for them to maintain the positions in front of the camera. the major problem was while doing the action either one of them was blocking each other. When we tried positioning them with the actions, they started forgetting the dialogues as it became rehearsed again and again. Their actions lost the spontaneity. So from fixing the positioning to acting to dialogues everything went for a toss. then sir intervened and Made Kirti and Jubraj practice the dialogues properly like a child practices his nursery poems and then made them rehearse with actions. One thing I learned that over rehearsing can make the actors loose the actual feelings of your characters. It looks staged and when one goes through this kind of situation where the actors are struggling to give you the performance you demand, it's better to drop the shot at that moment and take it later with a fresh mind.
We finally took the shot and it came out to be much better.the actors also improvised the dialogues, and their actions according to their suitability at the same time delivered something which made the director happy.
we wraped up around 5pm that is much before the given time limit. the reason behind this could be Ashok took maximum number of his shots as wide shots. Also i feel as a director he did a pretty good job.

Saturday 7 February 2015

Digging Deep- "My Shoot'

Day 10

I was directing today and Hindol was my 'Best Buddy' for today :) Which is he was my Camera man.
As Tanmay Sir always refers to the camera man as your best buddy. Among the other crew members Himel was doing the sound, Soumee was doing the Production, Kirti and Jubraj were the actors. At 10am everybody was collecting the props for the shoot including furnitures, costumes. since I had some exterior shots where there was a requirement of street lights  Hindol tried to arrange lights for that. I wanted some warm lights inside the the room shots so the Keno was put up there.

The Shoot started at 11am. After taking our first shot inside the room with Keno. We moved to the exterior shots where the light boys have arranged a 2K for the street shots. By this time it was already 12p.m and Sir also had arrived on the set. he observed the proceeding for some time. then he asked me to just stand at one corener and observe the shoot as a director. The same thing which he had been saying from the first day that a director is not supposed to go behind the crew. But I as well as others are so habituated with the this that it's difficult to control yourself from going near the camera and checking the frame yourself. Though I tried to follow which was instructed but I think to do that also one need to first learn how you see the frame without the camera in your hand. that is as a director one should have a clear idea of Lenses. I was confused about how to see your frame without the camera and lenses in front of your eyes!. Then he make me understand the idea of seeing the frame with your fist's thumb distance to little finger distance in front of your eyes, one can use both their hands also or one can take a stick and accordingly check the frame. 
while I was away learning this, I asked Hindol to take the two exterior shots.
After that we had a short discussion with Tanmay Sir about the lights and actinng on the set itself. He mentioned about instructing the actions to your actors. how one should go about it. 
  • Active actions- where you give concrete actions to your actors which are doable, visible and simple.
  • Passive actions- where you will tell your actors about the emotions you want to convey through his actions. here you don't really give exact actions to the actors. the actor himself has to interpret and do the actions.
To me it's upto the director and the actor. If any of these works with the Actor then he should be instructed in such way. There should not be any hard and fast rule about this. in the end you need the shot to be good so whichever works for your actor.

Friday 6 February 2015

Digging Deep -" do's" and don'ts" of Shot taking'

Day 9

8:30 am-discussions going on between the director and the cameraman with the breakfast on the mess table. Today the director is Hemale and Kirti is the cameraman. I see them coming out of the mess after having their discussion. We all decided to meet at 10:30 on the the set.

10:40 everybody has arrived. Hindol was constantly supporting the director in preparing him mentally before the shoot. Hemale was sitting quietly going through his shots, having small talks with Hindol and Kirti. Jubraj , me and Ashok were collecting props.

Sir has informed us before hand that he won’t be able to present today till the second half. So everybody took the their share of responsibility to manage without him. Yet comparatively it was quite slow. We could take only three shots till the time sir arrived on set that was around 3pm. What I felt it was because the Director couldn’t take a call when it was required. A director should trust the cinematographer but when the cinematographer also goes clueless the director has to finally take charge of the situation.

We spent way too much time on taking a simple shot where Jubraj offers Soumee a tissue paper. Soumee is drinking water and takes the tissue paper wipes and off the blood from her nose. The actions were simple but we were looking for way too much emotions in this shot that too by setting the camera in certain angles or changing the magnifications. May be it was not looking very magnificent. But what I think is not every shot in your movie is meant to be so. Ups and downs has to be there.

Sir demonstrated the same thing try to shoot actions emotions would come naturally if they have to. Instruct your actors to display concrete actions. If they have read the script they know what emotions the character is going on while doing a particular action.

We wraped up the shoot by 5:30pm. Today it’s my shoot and yes I am pretty nervous but let’s see how things roll.

Thursday 5 February 2015

Digging Deep-

#Day 8

All the seven people of our batch decided that the workshop is going to continue and if both of them wants to be a part of it as observers. They have to follow the rules which everyone else does. But as they have put forward they don't want to have any kind of communication with Tanmay sir neither they want to follow his instructions. Then I don't really see the point of them coming back to the workshop.

Or to say it clearly, nobody is against your decision nor any one of us is forcing you to be the observer. As we clearly stated in front of the dean also if you do not want this workshop to be continued then we all will cancel it. You don’t want that too! Take a stand either this side or the other. You can’t step on two boats at the same time.

We(all the 10 direction people) had a meeting today with the dean where everybody put forward their disapproval on taking them in the team with their set of rules. As Mainak repeated himself again “if I come as an observer and tomorrow if I again feel humiliated in any way who is going to take a stand for me?” I am not. Not because I have something against you but simply because you are joining back as an observer on your own will, thus  no one among us is obliged to be responsible for you or your actions and feelings in the future. 

After wasting more than half of the day in this, we went back to the set. Hindol shot his dialogue exercise. We started shooting by 3 in the afternoon and wrapped it up by 5:30 in the evening.

On the set, the way Hindol was guided by Tanmay sir was an eye opener for all of us how a director should conduct himself with his crew members.
We realised something we are yet to learna lot about the skills of a director. Hindol also shared that he has never been so calm and composed as a director before. The coordination among each of us was such that there is very minimal chance of panicking and shouting among the crew members.After the shoot there was a sense of satisfaction for everyone as in the end they all got to learn something.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Diggingg Deep- "The Back Log"


We were in the class when Tanmay sir arrived with Lalita(a senior student) for the dialogue exercise pre-shoot. His face was lit with excitement and enthusiasm to start the practice as we were equally excited too. We asked some time from him before we move to floor as we had some back logs to finish. before we could finish the task and move to the floor, we came to know that our fellow batchmates, Sreecheta and Mainak had submitted a letter to the dean regarding their issue about the methodology of the workshop and certain kind of 'treatment' they have received from Tanmay Sir during the past few days of the workshop.

Things which were floating on the surface now have come out in open. As clearly as I see this the whole thing has turned into a battle now. This is the time when you apply Darwin's theory "survival of the fittest".
Till now we have been trying to make them part of the group. But since their ideologies are different from ours so it will be difficult for us a s a group to function together now.

We all including mainak and sreecheta had a joint meeting with the direction dept. faculties and the students of our batch (12th) regarding the issue of whether continuing the workshop further or not. 

We as a group after the meeting agreed that they can participate in the workshop or the session further only if they agreed to continue with the rules. 
They said they are okay with it and would like to continue.
Though inside I was constantly thinking how easily they shifted their positions. In the meeting both of them have again and again stated that they feel so threatened that they can and feel like lodging a FIR against Tanmay sir which they didn't. From lodging a FIR against the person to coming to a position where you want to be taught by the same person? Either your allegations against him doesn't hold any water or you have that low self esteem.

Point is if you are so sure that your ideologies do not match with the other group members or the Mentor(tanmay),you can simply refuse to be part of it. You have the right to choose whether you want to continue with it or not but making the workshop halt for your tantrums, ego issues, whatever it is for the rest of the seven people is not justified. If you are that eager to be part of the group and the session then just follow the instructions. You cannot expect the mentor and the other seven people to mend rules according to you. 

to be continued....

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Digging Deep- 'God lies in details'

#DAY 6

Everybody assembled in the internet room. We all were busy with our blogs. Some with half of the blog still to be written, some with their last minute touch ups. Due to the server down everybody was in apanicking mode. It was already ten past and yet many of us couldn’t finish the blog. So the whole ambience of the internet room was ‘what the the fuck is wrong with the internet?’ also the number of working systems are lesser than the people. Even though few of us had their own laptops, net was a problem there too. Only two or three systems had a proper net connection.

But it was quite different from the alike situations faced before this workshop happened by the same group(direction folks) of people. This time each one of us gives a damn about the other person be it anyone among the group. Everybody was concerned about each others work and there was certain level of understanding among those panicking bunch of people to get the work done.

It’s not because of the assignment given or the rules set for us. It was because everybody had been shown the mirror to them, what they have been doing so far. Everybody on board now have a realization where they were wrong in the past and now they are willing to change.

The change is not and should not be forcible. Only then it can sustain even after the workshop ends. This is just one of the small incidents of everyday workshop which has made me feel that we all can change for the betterment of us if we really want to.
We headed to the classroom around eleven with Tanmay Sir.We watched the video that Jubraj had edited for the the previous day, you can check that out on this link-
The message that he tried to convey through his video is how two people that is Sreecheta and Mainak were isolated from the rest of the group of eight people. But as Sir pointed out and I also felt, that the isolation couldn’t come out that well and hence the story mislead. To me it was both of these people were roaming or doing whatever out of their own willingness. I didn’t get to see on the video what actually had been happening. By which I mean as an audience who is unaware of their situation or the current situation of direction group would not understand what actually is going around. He has to go through a long back story before understanding the actions in the video. After that too the video fails to make you see what the characters are actually going through. One thing that I didn’t like was Jubraj as a cameraman and as a an editor had tried to manipulate the story in his own way. As a cameraman he has cut the actions of both the characters before they finished a particular action which sends out a completely different story and feeling which is away from the an editor also he tried out few chip tricks which were neither looking good nor were they making sense to me.
Tanmay sir pointed out his mistakes in all these perspectives. He said few points which I would also try keep in mind as a filmmaker.


  •   Establish your characters of the story-The audience should be clear enough whose story are you narrating.

  •  Have patience-Let the action take place on its own flow before you hit the stop button on the camera.

  • Don’t manipulate the reality knowingly or unknowingly-While shooting you should just shoot what’s happening not what you want to show the audience.


 Avoid chip tricks in editing-

  • Try to put the reality forward by simple editing. the way you see the reality with naked eyes, you should be able to make the audience see your story with their naked eyes not with the help of chip tricks.
  • Throw out the unwanted or bad shots ruthlessly.

  • Every idea/sequence should have a beginning, middle and end before jumping to the next sequence without revealing the end of the entire story.

  •         It should hold the audience till end.


As only three people among us,Jubraj, Soumee, Hemale, hadvideo mode in their camera so they were asked to take shots of what’s Mainak been doing keeping in mind the previous instructions given on Jubraj’s video. Rest of us were asked take picture on our respective cameras in wide, tele and normal lens of the same. Later we arranged four P2 cameras and assembled them in the direction dept. lawn. We went through it’smanual and practised on it for some time. One of my doubt got cleared too.

  •    If the three legs of the tripod are unequal and if you balance the spirit balance, does it make your frame balanced?
  •         Yes it does. Through the experiment that I carried out I came to know that even though your tripod legs are not equal the spirit balance makes your frame equal. That is how you are able to shoot in unequal surfaces such as in hilly areas. 

Later we watched a movie called ‘Holiday’ by 'Jacques Tati'. The movie got over around 8pm. After that we had a short discussion with sir about the blogs we wrote. He gave us the idea of adding hyperlinks to your blog so that your information can be spread clearly and widely to the greater audience.
   Lastly, I would say about the film ‘Holiday’it was a very entertaining movie to begin with. I liked the fact how the filmmaker has used small-small nuances of everyday life which we all face but to put them accurately on the screen that too in such a manner that it brings joy to the eyes of the watcher. Through the movie every such mannerism that the protagonist was portraying made me feel yeah unknowingly i also do some of these things or i have see someone doing so. But if someone ask me to put these things on screen would i be able to do so  that too so beautifully.

    The film made me realize the importance of many aspects which we often overview such as Art direction, set designing, and proper shot designing. For me ‘Holiday’ is a beautiful example which uses theses three things so accurately that it made the film magnificent. Had these three things been not there the film would not have existed. You don’t always need a out of box idea and a huge budget to make a great film. A great film can be made out of daily things that one faces or see. The compilation of these three things alone can make a simple idea look magnificent on screen.

Monday 2 February 2015

Digging Deep- ' looking at life through Pin hole'


First half:

Most of us gathered in the morning with dropping eyelids as some of us couldn’t sleep the last night, and some of us slept for only few hours. The best thing was besides the heavy work burden and lack of sleep everybody completed their share of work and reached in class on time.

We all were reading the blogs of each other when Sir arrived. He pointed out few good things and short comings of the blog for some of us and asked to improve it.

He particularly talked about Mainak’s blog for a long time. How his blog lacks clarity of identity of a person, and thus information. What I felt about Mainak’s blog is most of the content of his blog appears to be hidden message or incomplete information of particular events of the past days. May be that could be the reason for sir to question him also.

He was asked by Tanmay sir to collect a good amount of bricks around the campus which can reach up to his height and make a tower with those in the duck island. While he does that he was also asked not to talk to anyone in the campus and not to have eye contact with anyone in the campus.

Sreecheta was asked to do almost the same leaving the making of the tower part. As she raised a question in the class which was “why our eyes cannot magnify even though it has a variable focal length?” so sir suggested that she also roams around the campus and try to find the answer to the question on her own. She agreed to do so and both Mainak and Sreecheta left the class.

Rest of us including Sir gathered in the class to decide what are we gonna do today. Tanmay sir suggested as we now know how to make a pin hole camera we should try our hands on how we use the pin hole camera more sufficiently. So he came up with an idea which was completely new to me. I have never thought about it before neither have I tried something like that before. We all went to the MPP department with each of our cameras and black sheet of paper. Then Tanmay sir demonstrated and we followed. He cut a circle out of that black sheet of paper which has a diameter greater than the circle of the camera where the lens is fitted. Then he by folding the circle in four folds he got the circle of the centre of the circle of the black paper. Then he made a hole in the centre with a pin. He opened the Lens of the camera, kept it aside and pasted that circle with hole on the circle where the lens was fitted with a tape. We all followed the same steps carefully for the next ten-fifteen minutes.

After that we all went around the campus, each of us with our own new self made camera. So basically the camera body remains with the sensor, we just removed the lens and put a pin hole paper made aperture in front of it.

Everybody seemed excited about this new exercise and we all went around the campus trying to capture good pictures with it. As I look around, my classmates
are trying to click every possible things they can around them. 
Buildings, Flowers, people, their friends, and  sometimes each other. While we all are busy clicking pictures I see Mainak sincerely roaming around and collecting bricks for the tower of his height in the duck island. He looked very calm and composed to me at that moment. May be the message what Sir was trying to put across got to him without saying it but by doing the task itself.

I would share Some of the pictures that I clicked with the new self made aperture of the camera.

bigger pin hole- 
                                             1/8, F0, Hi1

                                              1/30, F0, 1600

                                                1/13, F0, 400
                                                1/80, F0, Hi1(above 1600)
smaller  pin hole-

                                           1/4, F0, 400

                                             1/10, F0,1600

                                          1/30, F0, 1600

                                          1/20, F0, 1600
                                                           1/6, F0, 1600

                                                      1/13, F0, 1600
                                                     1/13, F0, 1600

                                                      1/13, F0, 1600
1/13, F0, 1600
                                              1/20, F0, 1600

                                                 1/20, 1600

                                                  1/8, F0, 1600
                                                       1/13, F0, 1600

1/60, F0, 1600

1/20,F0, 1600

1/20, F0, 1600

                                        1/15, F0, 1600 - clicked by Tanmay Sir

Observation: bigger your pin hole, less sharper your picture, smaller the pin hole sharper the image.



We all gathered in the lawn after lunch. Tanmay sir demonstrated 'how to make a tanmooka'. By this time Mainak has returned and joined us in the lawn. I
didn't see Sreecheta around.
It’s similar to making of pin hole camera but instead of the hole we are keeping a much bigger opening and we are using a lens(convex) that is a Magnifying glass to project an image on the sensor. On the other end of the tube.

Experiment 1:

When the object is at infinity, the lens is closer to the screen.

                                           Shutter speed- 1/20 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 800,

 When the object is near to the camera, the lens is away from the screen.

                                           Shutter speed- 1/30 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 800,

Experiment 2:

If a stop is created in the same Tanmooka, how would it vary the foreground and background?or
If the Diameter varies, how it affects the image foreground and background?
This experiment kind of make us understand how a dolly zoom works.

Shutter speed- 1/50 F stop- 7.1, ISO- 800,  magnification – 95 mm.

Shutter speed- 1/6 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 800, magnification: 65 mm

Experiment 3:
What happens if you move the tanmooka closer to the subject and try to keep the subject in focus – The foreground changes rapidly and the background gradually – this is basically what happens in a dolly zoom.
Move closer to the subject with the camera, foreground changes rapidly, background change gradually.
Shutter speed- 1/10 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 1600,  image at a long distance.

Shutter speed- 1/10 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 1600,  image of middle distance.

Shutter speed- 1/10 F stop- 5.6, ISO- 1600,  image at the closest distance

Sunday 1 February 2015

Digging Deep - 'Search within'

DAY -4

1st half:

Today everybody excluding one person reached on time but as it was Sunday the CRT was closed. So few of us tried getting it open. By the time we got it open we waited in the lawn for sir to arrive. We arrived at 10:10 am outside the CRT. Tanmay sir pointed out that we are late by ten minutes but we argued that we were on time and were waiting for him to arrive. Later he made us realised that though we arrived on time yet we are clueless about what to do in those ten minutes, waiting for a leader to lead us. Whereas we all are planning to become a leader among our crew members. We didn’t write the blog properly and some of us sent it just before coming to the class. 

He did a march-past session with us through which he tried to make us realise that we still lack leadership qualities as neither could we guide as a leader nor could we follow the simple instructions given by a leader during the march-past. We need to develop the skills of working as a team before becoming the leader of a team.

Then came the confusion whether or not we are going to have a class since one of the fellow classmate would not be able to make to the class on time. She conveyed the message by sending an email to all of us including Sir that she would be able to come only around or after 12pm. As she already has made an appointment with someone before coming to know about the class happening on Sunday. This whole issue again turned into a blame game.

She thinks we should have informed her on Friday or Saturday itself before she made a plan. What i felt is it’s her responsibility too to ask anyone of us before making any other commitments when at the first place it was never decided that there won’t be any class on Sunday.

The consensus of the whole class was taken whether or not she should be allowed for the class or for the further workshop after arriving late to the class. The class excluding two people Ashok and Jubraj agreed that she should not. Ashok and Jubraj decided to forgive and  give her one more chance.

The decision was taken so by others  because they wanted to make her realize the importance of presence of every team mate and to overcome the individualistic approach to a crisis and to put away the blame game.

2nd half:

Terms and their definition according to my understanding;

  •    Metadata-  metadata in a camera is the technical information about a particular picture taken.for example the ISO, F-stop,Shutter speed, white balance, Lens/ focal length

  •      Modes- it is the type of modes you can set before clicking a picture such as putting the Focus on manual or auto. The video or shoot mode, one shot, etc.

  •     ISO-  it is the sensitivity of the camera, also the light intensity of the picture depends on it.

  •      F-Stop- The ratio between the focal length and the diameter of the pupil.

  •    Aperture- it is the measurement to allow the amount of light through the opening of the camera. It  affects the brightness of the picture, and the exposure of light.

  •      Shutter speed- it is the amount of time you set for the camera to enter light through the opening. The SS is measured in seconds.

  •      Exposure meter- it gives the idea of how much a picture is exposed. If it is more to the right side of the zero on the scale then it is over exposed and if it is more to the left side of the zero it is under exposed.

  •     White balance- it is setting of the quality of white colour on any subject according to changing the intensity of light under different lighting  conditions.

  •     Colour Temperature- through which one can decide the temperature of a colour, as colours can be warm and cool. For example-Red is warm and blue is cool colour.

  •     Picture size- it is setting up of pixel size of the image.

  •    Frame rate- it is the frames per second(FPS). It is the no of frames in a second while shooting.

  •      Aspect Ratio- the ratio of width and height of the image.

Other terms which I am  yet not  able to understand and define:

  •      File Format
  •      Histogram   
  •      Image quality
  •      Lighting optimiser
  •      Codec
  •      Picture style